The Benefits of Grassfed and Grain Finished Beef

Ten Mile Updates

Jesse and Adam

Written by 10milewest

May 21, 2022

In today’s health conscious times, consumers are seeking healthier protein for feeding their families. Grassfed beef has become the rage as it contains more healthy fats and can provide and is higher in antioxidants and other key nutrients that are good for overall health. At Ten Mile west Cattle Company, we grass feed and grain finish our cattle.

Northern California Cattle
Grssfed and Grain finished beef

Locally sourced from responsible farms and ranches throughout California and nevada.

Our cattle are raised in open pastures where they are free to graze. We graze them on nutritious pastures that we rotate for regenerative purposes. By frequently rotating our herds through sectioned parcels, we are allowing the pastures enough time to rest and grow before the animals come back and graze it again. This process allows the grass to remain truly healthy, avoiding the stress of overgrazing. The grass develops deep roots that allow the plant access to a wider field of nutrients, making the grass more nutritious for the cattle. This nutrition is passed onto our consumers. The deep roots also make the grass more drought resistant, allowing for healthy grazing even in times of diminished rainfall.

Beef Roast

Why Grain Finish?

We start our cattle on a grassfed diet and then introduce them to a custom, all natural grain diet to get that steakhouse quality taste and a rich flavor that our customers have come to love.

Quality Meats at Great Prices

Costs are reduced and the savings is passed on to the consumer. Saturated fats are also reduced thus decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Hormone Free

Eating grass-fed meat greatly reduces the risk of food poisoning when compared to only grain-fed beef.

Is Grassfed better?

Grassfed and grass-finished beef cattle eat only forage until they reach market weight. This process can generally take three times longer to finish cattle on grass than on grain, add the cost of grass-finished beef, and the additional strain to the environment, 100% grassfed is not always the ideal 

Grass-fed beef can be difficult to produce year-round, due to changing seasons and weather conditions. 

finally, a completely plant-based diet, yields a beef that is leaner than grain-finished beef, thus resulting in a “gamey” flavor—which some cosumers are not accustomed. 

Cattle Grazing

In summary, beef is an excellent source of zinc, iron, protein, and B vitamins – it just fcooks and tastes better when it’s grain finished. 

At 10 Mile West Cattle Company we are committed to creating a more sustainable food system by empowering local and small farms, practicing land conservation, and restoring the vitality of the California foodshed.

Our experience in pasture management, producing nutritious beef while improving the environment and supporting our local economy, is the foundation we have built our catte company. Visit our SHOP and learn more about our sustainably grassfed and grain finished beef. 

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