Nose to tail eating is a growing movement among those who care about what they eat and demand that the animals they eat are raised humanely and naturally. It’s a return to sustainability. It’s a statement against waste. Nose to tail means eating the muscles, the organs and everything in between – or utilizing byproducts of the cow for other useful purposes. It is about honoring the whole animal. 


What we see in the supermarket isles has been shaped by industrialized farming and big agriculture factories. The beef found in large grocery store chains is typically derived from cows that were raised in feedlots being fattened up with grain. The quality of the meat is high in fat and low in protein. 

At Ten Mile West Cattle Company, our cows are grass fed and raised in a holistic environment utilizing regenerative grazing techniques. From birth to finish, our cattle are free to graze and thrive peacefully in our open pastures. Because we grass feed, the process takes a little longer to bring our beef to your table. However, when we do, you can expect a nutrient dense beef that’s full of flavorful tenderness, higher in Omega 3s, essential vitamins, and antioxidants.


Regenerative grazing is the agricultural practice of building soil health by managing livestock on perennial and annual forages, in a way that supports human and ecosystem health. Today we are dealing with a disrupted ecosystem, pollution and unimaginably unhumane treatment of farm animals. Regenerative farming can restore that disruption by establishing a better relationship with our food and how it is cultivated.

The key to regenerative agriculture is that it not only “does no harm” to the land but actually improves it, using technologies that regenerate and revitalize the soil and the environment. Regenerative agriculture leads to healthy soil, capable of producing high quality, nutrient dense food while simultaneously improving, rather than degrading land, and ultimately leading to productive farms and healthy communities and economies.


Grass fed bovines in regenerative pastures resulting in healthy consumption or use of the entire cow is the perfect trifecta for helping to reduce our carbon imprint by:

  • combating climate change through reduced emissions and drawing down and sequestering carbon
  • contributing to a clean environment by restoring natural habitats
  • providing access to locally produced, contaminant-free, nutrient-dense food

These are just a few of the MANY benefits of the holistic approach of nose to tail consumption of grass fed cows. Studies have indicated that the nose to tail movment could help reduce carbon levels by 2% and that is a statistic Ten Mile West Cattle Company is proud to contrbute toward.

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